Minggu, 31 Mei 2015

Preparation of Macroporous Chitosan Using NaCl as Porogen and Its Application onto Methyl Orange Adsorption

By : Baiq Octaviana D.A.


Dye agent is chemical which is used in industrial sectors, such as printing, textile, plastic, and synthetic dye. Environmental pollution caused by dye agent waste disposal is able to hamper photosythesis process, disturb organism growth or water ecosystems, and poison human [1]. Among several dye agents for textile industry, methyl orange which is anionic orange powder dye has molecule size 1,58 x 0,65 x 0,26 nm [2]. Methyl orange that contains azo group (N = N) is not poisonous but it is supposed to cause an allergy and hypersensitivity, so that it must be eradicated from environment [3].
Adsorption method is generally used as waste treatment, and it is still being developed. Adsorption method is simple and cheap. The adsoption process requires substance which can bond some molecules to the surface, if it has macropore form it will be more effective [4]. Macropore is solid form substance which has pore size more than 50 nm. Its applications are as catalytic substance, catalytic support, and adsorbent [5].     
Subtances which can be used as porous material generally has a large molecular mass and characteristics as inorganic or organic material, such as polypropylene, poly(vinyl alcohol), zeolit, activated carbon, and chitosan [6]. Chitosan that is cationic biopolimer is derivative compound of deacetylation reaction. Chitosan can be used as macropore material and biomedical. It has good physical and chemical characteristics : non poisonous, antibacterial, biodegradable, and safe for environment. It can be process for membrane, nanoparticle, micro-particle, gel, and nanofiber [7]. Chitosan as a nature polycationic with huge number of molecular weight exerted great amount of hydroxyl and amine groups in that long chain structure, and it have great adsorption prosperity toward macromolecules [8].
Macropore chitosan can be made by adding porogen which have functions to control the pore size of the membrane based on their particle size [9]. Some of materials as a porogen have inert properties, organic solvent, and salt compound. Those materials are silica, polyethylene glycol, glucose, CaCO3, and NaCl [10]. The porogen infirmity in the application of macroporous materials are low in selectivity and resistance. Cross-linking agent is used  to increase chemical stability from the macroporous base material such as genipin, epichlorohydrin, and etilene glycol diglycidil ether (EGDE) [7].
In this study, NaCl (cooking salt) particles were used as porogen, and epichlorohydrin was used as cross-linker to prepare macroporous chitosan membrane compared with pure chitosan as control. The prepared chitosan membranes were used to remove methyl orange dye. The sorption efficiency was also investigated. 

Result and Discussion

In this study, the prepared MC membran using acidic solvent due to ability of membran whereas water-insoluble but soluble in organic solvent such as acetic acid. Those affected chitosan stability. Therefore, the cross-linking agent necessary for increasing chemical stability of dissolved chitosan from acidic medium. Crosslinking agent were used in ratio of chitosan and epichlorohydrin (1:20). Then, adding inorganic porogen NaCl (5, 10,and 15 g) to form chitosan membrane pores were used to determine % methyl orange adsorbed and amount of methyl orange adsorption (mg/g). The water evaporated with dried of macroporous chitosan at 70 oC. The membrane was washed several time with deionized water to remove NaCl to form template (Cl- free). The result of the MC membrane shows in Fig.1.

The scanning electron micrograph (Fig.2.) show that the surface area of membrane was  little less uniformly according to the adding dosage of  NaCl. The different characteristic of MC show higher pores size than CT. Adding NaCl as porogen caused MC pores size increased in spite of the pores was not homogeneous.

Fig.1. Macroporous chitosan membrane. (a) MC/5 NaCl; (b) MC/10 NaCl; (c) MC/15 NaCl; (d) CT 
Fig.2.  Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analysis. (a) MC/15 NaCl; (b) CT

The optimum pH in this study was pH 3 due to the great amount of  hydrogen atom  H+ in the solution  under acidic conditions. MC adsorption mechanism toward MO was shown [38]:

R – SO3Na + H2O → R-SO3- + Na+ .......       (1)
R-NH3+ + R-SO3- → RNH3+ O3SR .........      (2)

In aqueous solution, the reactive dye was dissolved and the sulfonate group (R – SO3Na) of the reactive dye was dissociated and converted to ionic dye ions. The adsorption process then proceeded due to the electrostatic interaction between these two counter-ions. Therefore, the effect of pH may be an important factor on the dye-binding capacity of MC. The effect of optimum contact time in adsorption capacity of MC obtained 92.6% at 180 min, and possessed a loading half-time (t1/2) with adsorption amount capacity 4.53 mg/g at 14 min.

In this study, the chitosan membranes prepared by using NaCl particles as porogen exhibited excellent sorption capacity. The optimum pH, and contact time influenced the methyl orange sorption by macroporous chitosan. Methyl orange adsorption exerted pH 3 and 18 min for optimum contact time with adsorption rate constant 0.0531 min-1. The amount of porogen are not significantly affected toward macroporous chitosan adsorption ability in methyl orange.The amount of adsorption macroporous chitosan with porogen composition 5; 10; 15 g were continued by 9,36; 9,29; and 9,40.


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[3] Obeid, L., A. Bee, D. Talbot, Chitosan/Maghemite Composite: A Magsorbent for The Adsorption of Methyl Orange, Colloid and Interface Sci 2013; 410: 52-58
[4] Gottipati, R. and S. Mishra, Application of Biowaste (Waste Generated in Biodiesel Plant) as an Adsorbent for The Removal of Hazardous Dye-Methyl Orange from Aqueous Phase, Braz. J. Chem. En 2010; 27: 2
[5] Mokaya, R., 2002, Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, Third Edition, Inorganic Chemistry: Mesoporous Materials, Synthesis and Properties, University of Nottingham, Nottingham
[6] Xiaoli L., Y. Li, Z. Ye, Preparation of Macroporous Bead Adsorbents Based on Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Chitosan and Their Adsorption Properties for Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solution, J. Chemical Engineering 2011; 178: 60-68
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[8]  Xie Y., Y. Liu, Y. Wang, S. Wang, and T. Jiang, Chitosan Matrix with Three Dimensionally Ordered Macroporous Structure for Nimodipine Release, Carbohydrate Polymers 2012; 90: 1648– 1655
[9] Silverstein, M.S., N.R. Cameron and M.A. Hilmyer, 2011, Porous Polymers, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, Canada
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4 komentar:

  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  2. riset ini sangat bagus, karena tingkat keberhasilannya cukup besar. jika dapat dilakukan dalam skala besar, maka dapat mengurangi jumlah limbah metil orange yang terbuang ke lingkungan.
    ada beberapa hal yang ingin saya tanyakan:
    1. kenapa pada pH di bawah dan di atas 3 tidak memberikan hasil optimal? proses apa yang terjadi antara kitosan dg MO pada kondisi tersebut?
    2. bagaimana isotermis adsorpsi yang terjadi antara kitosan dg MO?
    3. berapa energi yang dibutuhkan untuk mengadsorpsi MO dengan jumlah optimal

    Moh. Taufiq
    terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat

    1. 1. Pada penelitian ini tidak dilakukan perhitungan pH di bawah 3, karena berdasarkan beberapa literatur menyebutkan bahwa pH optimum dari MO berada pada rentan 3-6. Sehingga pada penelitian ini dilakukan perhitungan pH optimum pada rentan 3-8. Pada penelitian ini, diperoleh daya adsorpsi pada pH 3 dan 4 tidak berbeda secara signifikan, serta pada pH tersebut memiliki daya adsorpsi paling tinggi dibandingkan dengan pH 5-8. Pada pH 3 terjadi protonasi gugus amina (-NH2) pada kitosan makropori membentuk –NH3+ yang akan berinteraksi secara elektrostatik dengan muatan negatif pada methyl orange. Selain interaksi secara elektrostatik, diduga kesesuaian pori dari kitosan makropori terhadap methyl orange yang menjadikan methyl orange dapat terserap dengan persentase hampir mendekati 100%. Sedangkan diatas pH 5 yaitu pH 6, 7, dan 8 daya adsorpsi terus menurun hingga mencapai konstan. Hal ini dikarenakan, gugus amina (-NH2) dan hidroksil (-OH) pada kitosan makropori mengalami deprotonasi (pelepasan ion H+) sehingga terjadi penurunan interaksi antara kitosan makropori dengan zat warna anionik methyl orange. Pada kondisi basa (pH 8), zat warna methyl orange masih dapat terserap dengan daya adsorpsi 83,3% karena adanya interaksi Van Der Walls yang membuat methyl orange terinduksi menjadi molekul polar sementara.
      2. isotermis adsorpsi antara kitosan dg MO belum dibahas lebih detail, tetapi kaitannya dengan isotermis, pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan perhitungan konstanta laju adsorpsi kitosan terhadap MO berdasarkan persamaan Lagergren pseudo orde satu: -ln (1-F) = kt; F = Qt/Qe
      Qt : jumlah zat warna yang teradsorpsi dalam waktu tertentu (t)
      Qe: jumlah zat warna yang teradsorpsi pada keadaan kesetimbangan. Dengan membuat kurva hubungan antara –ln (1-F) terhadap waktu, maka konstanta laju (k) adsorpsi MO oleh kitosan makropori diperoleh sebesar 0,0531 menit-1 dan menunjukkan kelinearitasan yang tinggi dengan regresi mendekati 1.
      3. berkaitan dengan energi yang dibutuhkan kitosan untuk menyerap MO masih belum dilakukan, sehingga dari data yang ada memang masih diperlukan pengembangan berberapa metode untuk lebih memastikan lagi bagaimana kemampuan kitosan untuk menyerap MO dari segi termodinamikanya.

      terimakasih atas saran dan pertanyaannya, semoga sedikit jawaban yang saya berikan dapat membantu.

      Baiq Octaviana

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